Dance Shape Sessions cont’D 🏖

Dance Shape Summer Sessions Cont’d 🏖

Dear World,

I pray everyone has been able to find their peace of mind in this time! I know Dance Shape has been helping me find that & much more. If you were on my website late last week you probably noticed my classes had disappeared. That was due to me setting my livestream classes up for only 8 weeks at the end of May hopeful that fitness studios/spaces would re-open by August. We all know now that that won’t be happening any time soon probably not even in the near future so am preparing for that Zoom livestream life to be carried out through the end of the year. (If I happen to find a quiet outdoor space where we could safely and peacefully take class socially-distanced you’ll be the first to know!) I tested negative for COVID-19 and all of those who attend would need to show documentation upon receiving results.

I do have a few announcements to make!

Heading into August you’ll see that Classical Ballet is now listed as an 80 minute class with a price raise of $2 for that class. Between the warming up and cooling down I’m realizing that that class is more than just a Classical Ballet class and I normally go about 15 minutes over anyway. Please note that Stretch & Strengthen is now an hour long class, 45 minutes of stretching and strengthening plus a 15 minute cool down. Be on the lookout for class title & description revamps on my website!!! I will also be adding some evening semi private group stretch time slots since that seems to be a popular request. 

See you Wednesdays and Sundays for now! 💗

Thank you so much for your support during this time!


Happy TueSday! CooKing up some good stuff for you!😚💕🥣👯‍♀️💝


About the founder