Dance Shape Inspiration

 Hey World!

Just thought I’d share some inspirations as to why I created Dance Shape. Taken from my notes from November 2018. Enjoy! 

What inspired me to create Dance Shape is my passion to communicate messages through movement and achieve proper dancer lines. Music and nature have always been heavy influences in my dance career taking me to many spiritual, mental and emotional places, further leading me to create and perform some of my best works of art. But whether I was dancing for a project, performance, photoshoot or myself in the mirror, I was always pretty critical as to how I looked. Dance Shape classes were created to help you execute dance shapes and moves without that critical competitive atmosphere. Aimed to teach you the technique behind dance shapes, how to prevent injury and improve your well being in a healthy dance environment. 

As I’ve grown through dance I’ve learned that the best results I’ve seen and felt were from when I put the technical work in ahead of time so I could focus on the “letting go”, “building up of” or “celebratory” emotions I experience. I designed Dance Shape to aid in that very process, where dance technique meets self conscious. Where you’re training will carry itself so you can reach farther into a shape exceeding what you thought was your maximum range of motion. Moving past your comfort zone, all while experiencing an emotion, building muscles you didn’t even know were there with movement & music. Achieving a dancer body.

I hope you all are staying safe out there! Wishing some of my writing speaks to you and encourages you to sign on for more Dance Shape classes. As of right now Tuesday Classical Ballet @8am in Marine Park is back on due to our improved air quality, if anything changes you’ll be the first to know! Happy Saturday and as always please reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.


Dance Shape October News 🌚🍂🎃


Happy TueSday! CooKing up some good stuff for you!😚💕🥣👯‍♀️💝